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Reiki Music Videos

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Divine Protection

The first step is to relax, for which it is helpful to feel protected and secure. The Spirit of God surrounds you. Your angel walks beside you always. And there is an eternal Rock at the foundation of your being. Wisdom lines written by Kara Elizabeth.


May God's Spirit go before you

and behind you and beside you.

And above you and below you

all around you and within you.

And your Angel walk beside you

every day and every minute

There to counsel and to guide you

"Turn within and look inside you."

There the light, immortal treasure

uncorrupted never dangered

This your true eternal nature

Rock of Peter conquered never.

Divine Peace

After protection is established, Peace can reign within. This is the Peace that surpasses understanding. Rest in the Peace. Wisdom lines from the Gospel of John.


Peace I leave with you

My peace I give to you

Not as the world gives

Do I give to you;.

Let not your heart be troubled

Neither let it be afraid.

Divine Deliverance

While Protection takes care of darkness and falsehood outside of you, Deliverance takes care of these things on the inside. Release what no longer serves you. Wisdom lines from the Gospel of John.


In the beginning was the Word

And the Word was with God

And the Word was God.

He was with God in the beginning

Through Him all things were made

And without Him nothing was made

that has been made

In him was life

And that life was the light of mankind

The light shines in the darkness

And the darkness has not understood it.

Divine Mercy

After Deliverance, Mercy must follow. Mercy heals all wounds. Rest in the arms of Mercy and be renewed. Wisdom lines from Psalm 23.


The Lord is my shepherd

I shall not want

He makes me to lie down in green pastures

He leads me beside still waters

He restores my soul.

He leads me in paths of righteousness

All for His name's sake.

Yea though I walk through the valley

of the shadow of death

I will fear no evil

For you are with me

Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

You spread a table before me

in the presence of my enemies

You anoint my head with oil

My cup runs over

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me

All the days of my life

And I will dwell in the house of the Lord


Divine Love

After the preparation in the first four videos, we can receive Videos 5 and 6: Love and Wisdom. Love and Wisdom are the two preeminent Divine qualities, two sides of the same coin. Video 5 is for selfless Love (Agape). Wisdom lines from the Gospel of Mark.


Hear O Israel

The Lord our God

The Lord is One

And you shall love the Lord your God

With all your heart

And with all you soul

And with all your mind

And with all your strength

And your neighbor as yourself.

Divine Wisdom


Sophia (Wisdom)

"I came forth from the mouth of the Most High

And covered the earth like a mist

I pitched my tent in the high places

And my throne on a pillar of cloud.

Sophia (Wisdom)

"I alone encircle the ring of Heaven

And I walk in the depths of the abyss

In the waves of the sea, in all the earth

And in every people and nation.

Sophia (Wisdom)

"I gave forth the fragrance of aromatic spices

Like cinnamon and camel-thorn

And I spread a fragrance like choice myrrh

And like galbanum, onyx, and oil of myrrh.

Sophia (Wisdom)

"I spread forth my branches like a terebinth tree

And my branches were glory and grace

I yield grace like a vine

And my flowers produce the fruit of glory and riches.

Sophia (Wisdom)

"I am the mother of fair love and fear

And knowledge and holy hope

I therefore being eternal am given to all my children

who are named by Him.

Sophia (Wisdom)

"Come to me all you who desire me

And take your fill of my fruits

For the remembrance of me is sweeter than honey

And my inheritance is sweeter than the honeycomb.

Holy Wisdom (Sophia) is the other side of selfless Love (Agape). We cannot have one without the other. Wisdom lines from the Book of Sirach.

Divine Masculine


Find the Master within.

What you find inside of you

You will see outside of you

And what you see outside of you

You will find inside of you

To accomplish the miracle

Of the True King.

You who seek

Continue seeking until you find

When you find you will become troubled

When you become troubled

You will be astonished

And you will rule over the all.

This video is in honor of the Divine Masculine within. Your Master is in your Heart, is your Heart, and rules over the all. Wisdom lines written by Kara Elizabeth and from the Gospel of Thomas.

Divine Feminine


Hail Star of the Sea

Hail All Compassionate

Hail Mother of Mercy

Hail Morning Star

Hail Light of Life

Hail Rose of Beauty

Hail Constant Flame

Hail Life of the Creator

Hail Bride of the Lamb

Hail Throne of Justice

Hail Mirror of Truth

Hail Ark of the Covenant

Hail Mystical Tower

Hail Depths Impenetrable

Hail Heights Unfathomable

Hail Deepest Wisdom

Hail Vessel of Spirit

Hail Queen of Angels

Hail Gate of Heaven

Hail New Jerusalem

Hail Full of Grace


I am the handmaid of the Lord

Let it be done unto me according to your Word.

This video is in honor of the Divine Feminine within. She is the Light and Life within your Heart. Wisdom lines written by Kara Elizabeth and inspired by the Litany of Loretto.

Divine Union


The voice of a great multitude

The sound of many waters

The sound of mighty thunder


The Master reigns

Our sovereign God

Let us rejoice and give Him glory


The marriage of the Lamb has come

His bride has made herself ready

She is given to wear fine linen, clean and bright


And then I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth

The first heaven and the first earth had passed away

Gone the sea


Come, I will show you the Bride the wife of the Lamb

Holy Jerusalem descending out of heaven from God

Having the bright glory of God


The City shimmered like a precious gem

Light-filled, pulsing light

She had a wall majestic and high with twelve gates


There was no Temple, for the Lord God and the Lamb are the Temple

They have no need of sun or moon for light,

God's glory is the light, the Lamb its lamp

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia

This video is in honor of Divine Union, the marriage of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within, and the Union of the soul with God. Wisdom lines from the Book of Revelation.

Release Negative Attachment

This video encourages release from negative attachment, also called aversion. Wisdom lines from John's Gospel.


If you believe,

You will see the glory of God.


Lazarus come out!

The dead man came out.

Unbind him, let him go.

Did I not tell you, if you believe

You will see the glory of God

Release Positive Attachment


Mary. Rabboni!

Do not cling to me.

I have not yet ascended to my Father

But go tell my brethren

I am ascending

To your Father and my Father

To your God and my God

Do not cling.

I am ascending.


This video encourages the release of positive attachment, also called craving. Wisdom lines from John's Gospel.

The Second Birth

This video addresses the Second Birth and Immortal Life. Wisdom lines from John's Gospel.


Peace be upon you

Receive the Holy Spirit

Born from above

Follow you me

The Son of Man lifted up in the wilderness

Follow you me

Born of water and the Spirit

Follow you me

The wind blows where it wills

And you hear the sound of it

But cannot tell where it comes from

Or where it is going

So it is

With everyone who is born of the Spirit

Receive the Spirit

Peace be upon you


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